Thank you for all of your love and excitement over our new baby!!
It’s been so fun to share my pregnancy with the world!!
We’re excited to announce that
Baby #5 is a BOY!!!
My heart is so full! We’re adding another baby boy to our family! When I only had my girls, I never dreamed we would have a boy, let alone more boys than girls! It’s still sinking in that we’re having another baby (even though my belly is expanding by the day!).
This pregnancy has been similar to my other healthy pregnancies. Everything is going well! Thank God! The doctors and midwives are all pleased with my progress and test results. The one thing that they are ALL most impressed about – the size of my baby! Living in Colorado at a higher altitude, babies are typically born smaller. My babies are the exception to that rule! Merci, my smallest baby, was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and she was a week and a half early! Noah, my largest baby, was 10 pounds, 5 ounces and he was born 4 days before his due date! I’m VERY curious to see how big this little boy will be! I’d love to know what size you think he will be!
When I had the 20 week ultrasound for this baby, the first thing our family asked the doctor was to tell us the baby’s gender! This is a tiebreaker baby for our family, so we couldn’t wait to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl! As soon as the results were on the screen, my husband was putting his hands in the air and shouting, “It’s a boy!”
This was his guess from the very beginning. I thought it was a boy, too, but I would have been happy either way. The doctor kept commenting on how long his arms and legs are! He measured 2 weeks ahead just like his big brothers. Norm and Merci were joking in the ultrasound room that this guy will be 12 pounds!! I sure hope not! But I’m praying that whatever size he is, God will give me the strength to deliver him.
Needless to say, we’re all thrilled. The months of nausea and pain are well worth the awesome reward in the end! My pregnancies don’t get any easier for me physically, but emotionally I’m better able to handle the challenges I have to face with each one. People have been asking me how I’m doing, opening doors, carrying heavy things for me, and more. My husband and children have been especially sweet helping Mama extra when I need it. I’m so blessed to be surrounded by so much love from my family. I sit here with this little guy kicking in my belly and feel so blessed to carry this new life inside of me! After losing a baby, I know that I’m lucky and blessed to be able to be a mama! It truly is a gift to give life to my children!
One thing I especially love is when my children all gather around my belly to play with their baby brother. When they talk to him or rub my belly, he always responds with a kick or a punch. It’s so sweet to watch my children bonding! It makes my mama heart melt!
We’re saving his name to announce when he’s born. After losing baby #4 (Hezekiah) to a miscarriage, I decided to wait to share Nehemiah’s name until his birth. This was very exciting for me because I was able to keep everyone guessing. We have a Bible/spiritual theme for all our names, so people have had fun guessing this little guy’s name already. We have God’s free mercy (#1), God’s cherished grace (#2), God’s peaceful comforter bearing Christ (#3), God’s strength in heaven (#4), and God’s comfort on victory’s path (#5). The meaning of this baby’s name (#6) is very powerful, too. I prayed long and hard about his name, just as I did with my other children.
Please pray for me in the final days of my pregnancy! Pray for my strength – physically and emotionally. Pray for my patience and to have everything ready for him before he arrives. Most of all, please pray for a healthy delivery with a healthy baby and a healthy mama. I’m constantly praying Philippians 4:13 right now.
We can’t wait to meet this little man in December!
P.S. If you’re trying to figure out the numbers of my babies, this is baby #5 on earth for us, but baby #6 total. 🙂 Sorry if it’s confusing!
Congratulations! We wanted five originally, but now we’re not sure if we’re making it past three! Nothing but respect for you, mama.
Heidi, you are looking great. I think SAMSON will weigh in at 9 pounds (give or take a few ounces) God bless you in strength, peace, and calm as you near your time! God bless your family as they serve you in this late term time, too! 🙂
Joy in Jesus, Vicki Savery
Thank you so much, Vicki! So nice to see you on my blog! 🙂 Your prayers are much appreciated for me and my family! Your family is very near and dear to our hearts! <3 The compliments are nice, too! Good guess on the name. You'll find out soon. 🙂 God Bless You!
Awww congratulations!!! I Miss my boys being babies. We stopped at 4, as much as we wanted to try for a girl. Just wasn’t in the cards for us!
Thank you so much, Tyane! They grow way too fast! Boys are awesome! I’m so excited to have another one! God has a perfect plan for everyone’s family. This little guy was a total surprise for us!
Congratulations Heidi! I love your name meanings. <3 I will be praying for you, for sure.
Thank you so much, Terryn! <3 I spent a lot of time thinking up each of their names. I appreciate your prayers so very much!