Happy Birthday, Sweet Nehemiah!
My baby boy is 2 and my fourth toddler! Time goes by faster with each child we add to our family. I remember the day Nehemiah was born like it was yesterday because 2 years definitely feels like yesterday for this mama. He’s my longest pregnancy (so far), he’s my rainbow baby, and he’s been my snuggliest baby yet!
Two years ago today, our family had just celebrated the start of the new year. Daddy guessed he would be born on the 9th, even though I was due on the 10th. Merci stayed up to keep me company the night of the 8th. I was relaxing as much as possible to hopefully start labor on my own. I was able to successfully go into labor with Noah on my own, so I was hoping to be able to do it again. It worked! By 2 a.m., contractions were coming regularly and STRONG, so I called the hospital to check in. They told me they wanted me to come in. I woke Norm up about 2:30 a.m. to tell him it was time to head to the hospital. The first thing he asks me is if he has enough time to take a shower first. Being a veteran daddy, he knew it wasn’t going to be a quick trip to the hospital and we would be there awhile. I told him yes and to please hurry. I was so excited! I was so hoping for this to FINALLY be it! I was too familiar with false alarms with all of my other babies and I was ready to meet my baby! By 3:30 a.m., we had the whole family loaded up in my Expedition ready to head to the hospital in the snow with contractions getting harder and closer together. It was definitely time for a baby and Nehemiah was born at 10:26 a.m. He was a completely new unique blend of my love with my husband. How amazing!
Nehemiah’s birth experience was just as unique as his siblings. His birth was a reminder to me that God is above all my hopes and fears. His ways are the best ways, even if I don’t understand them. Nehemiah was God’s gift to me, even though I wasn’t even asking for him.
His name means to be comforted by God on victory’s path. This has definitely been what he has taught me. My life with him has reminded me to find my comfort in God, no matter what my life looks like. I’m always on victory’s path when I’m focused on God. He taught me to trust God’s plan for my life and to be comforted by Him in all things. After losing his big brother, Hezekiah, and getting a “diagnosis” of down’s syndrome when I was 20 weeks pregnant that miraculously cured itself 4 weeks before my due date. I learned that I don’t have all of the answers and miracles happen everyday. He taught me that I won’t always know what God’s best is going to look like.
Today Nemi plays with his siblings like a big kid,
enjoys playing with the dogs and racing his cars.
This is Nemi and Mama back in 2014. He was such a great baby.
And my heart still leaps every time I see him!
Love, Nemi’s Mama
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