Real love is everyday. It’s not always the fairytale romantic love we’re all sold when we’re kids. It’s moments watching your handsome, hard-working husband love on your daughter and share his knowledge with her. Watching your beautiful child laugh with the man you made them with.
Last week, Norm and Graci worked on our family A-Team van project. They happily got busy sanding and sanding…and sanding to get it ready for paint. Graci offered to help her Daddy after he told her how much work it was going to be get it ready for paint. They happily went to work on it together.
I enjoyed spending the morning going over school with Graci while running our shop’s office. Graci waited patiently until Norm completed the shop’s tasks for the day. She loved being with Daddy and helping him with his project. This ATeam van is a childhood dream of his. Ever since he watched the tv show as a boy, he wanted to have his own van just like Mr. T when he grew up.
This is heaven on earth if there is such a thing. It’s my prayers in action! I prayed everyday as a little girl for God to give me a family of my very own that would love me no matter what…and I got it.
I look forward to seeing our family finish our ATeam van and what we come up with next! Blessings from our family to you! ❤
That is sweet. There is something special about watching your spouse with your children. It melts me heart every time!
Thank you, Jewel! I absolutely love watching my husband with our children! It melts my heart, too!