Our dogs are a part of our family. We love them so much! I’m so thankful for each one of them. When we set out to get a family dog 3 years ago, I had no idea it would lead us here – 6 dogs!
We started off with Flash in 2012, a purebred basset hound that we met and instantly fell in love with. We drove hours to get him! It was so worth it! He bonded instantly to everyone in the family and we have had a love for basset hound dogs ever since!
In November 2013, when I was pregnant with Nemi, we started looking for a buddy for Flash. We were ideally looking for another purebred basset hound, but God led us to something even better.
We found Marley on the craigslist pets section. He was a year old (same age as Flash!) and his family was forced to move and couldn’t keep him at their new home. Marley is half basset hound, half german shepherd and the most amazing dog! We almost missed getting him because his family had already taken him to the shelter. Luckily, they were able to get him out of the shelter and give him to us. Marley’s old owners have even come to visit him a few times for playdates!
Last summer, we met a lady who was going through life changes and couldn’t keep her basset hound puppy anymore. We named the puppy Ladybird and she is the sweetest dog ever!
At this point, we had 3 dogs and were VERY happy with that number. What we didn’t know was the Ladybird was not fixed! She went into heat almost immediately after we got her. By the time we realized this, it was too late! Marley had already gotten her pregnant! She conceived 5 puppies with 3 surviving puppies from the litter. We welcomed 3 baby boy puppies into our home on September 12th & 13th this year! I delivered the first one at home and the remaining 4 were delivered by the vet! Initially, we had planned to adopt at least some of the puppies to new homes, but each day we fell more in love with them!
While we didn’t intend to have so many dogs, it has been a blessing to have each one of them! There’s a dog for everyone in our family! Every time they come to greet us, it sounds like a wolf pack and we are reminded that we made the right choices to keep them all!
Our dogs have taught us that some of the biggest and best blessings in life come unexpectedly!
[…] Keeping up with our wolf pack! […]